Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Formation of the US Governement Essay - 841 Words

When the Framers of the U.S. Constitution met, they did not intend to write the U.S. Constitution, they met to fix the Articles of Confederation. The Articles was too weak and could not support the nation either domestically or abroad. After the Framers had worked on the Articles for a while, they realized they need a whole new document; and they started over. While the Framers realized the need for a strong federal government, they also intended to protect its citizens from a monarchial government such as the England government. The Framers decided that people needed to be citizens of both the nation and their respective states. However, the Framers did not want any one person or group to have total control over any aspect of the†¦show more content†¦(Trethan, n.d.). Checks and balances was the Framer’s way of protecting the nation from a monarchy. The President is checked by the Congress. Congress can refuse to confirm his appointees, can impeach the President and remove a President. (Trethan, n.d.). I definitely agree with this system of checks and balances. If the President had supreme power, he or she would rule the nation singlehandedly. An example of Congress overruling the President was in 2008 when President George Bush wanted to give the military a 3.4 percent pay raise and civilian workers a 2.9 percent pay raise. Congress overruled Bush because they felt that the entire federal civilian workforce should receive the same pay raise because where the military was fighting terrorism abroad, civilian employees were handling the affairs in the homeland. (Ballenstedt, 2008). Congress can also pass laws, but the President can veto them. An example of this was in 2006 President Bush vetoed legislation expanding embryonic stem cell research. He felt the Stem Cell Research Enactment Act of 2005 would make the taxpayers pay for the destruction of human embryos. (Longley, n.d.). I believe that the President should be able to veto Congress but the veto should only be used in extreme cases. For the most part, Congress acts for the people of the nation as its elected representatives and, as a democratic nation, the people should be able to express their views and haveShow MoreRelatedThe Simulation Project3665 Words   |  15 Pagesdeployed in foreign locations† (Ajami, Cool, Goddard, amp; Khambata, 2006, p. 6). According to this definition US Airways Group would be classified as a mulitnational firm. On Fortune 500’s Worst List, US Airways Group is identified as a least admired company on all eight attributes identified by the research and surv eys performed by Hay Group (Best amp; worst in..., 2006). As the name implies US Airways Group operates in the Airline industry. This paper will discuss how government regulations, hard andRead MoreDemocracy in Pakistan3244 Words   |  13 Pagesof Khawaja Nazimuddin by the Governor General signalled troubling trend in Pakistan Political history. After him 1953 Muhammad Ali Bogra became the third Prime Minister, he was relatively unknown face to the people as he was serving as Ambassador to US when he was recalled to take the office of Prime Minister. As Prime Minister he set out to form a constitution. In order to complete he outlined his famous Bogra formula that sought to form bicameral legislature. An upper house would have 50 seatsRead MoreForeign Investment in Pakistan2535 Words   |  10 Pagescomparatively weak in relations of field of investment but still they have strong strategic relationship. China has been to make stupendous investment in Pakistan. If such investment takes place in Pakistan, it will be an eye opener; the amount is nearly US$22 Billion. During Musharraf’s era, Pakistan Railway was being provided with locomotives. Pakistan Railways has recently entered several agreements with Chinese railway companies for its development. In 2001, Pakistan Railways signed a $91.89 millionRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words   |  522 Pagesinternal to the organization, influence the scanning activity, and also how perceived environmental change affects strategic change. The task of explaining variance among companies resides with a few key relationships among those categories. Now let us see each environment in detail. 3.1. SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT: Indian society is multifaceted to an extent perhaps unknown in any other of the world s great civilizations. Virtually no generalization made about Indian society is valid for all of the nation

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